What is ROOF?

How ROOF works.

ROOF is an optional program that is available for Offrs.com Premium Members.

ROOF provides outreach to leads in exchange for a referral fee from the agent. Most agents do not have the time or resources to effectively nurture their leads and generate transactions. ROOF provides this service for no additional up-front cost. If there is a successful transaction, ROOF is paid a 25% referral fee from the agent.

In addition to lead nurturing, ROOF also drives leads via its consumer app which provides a concierge service to home buyers and sellers looking to connect with top agents in their area. The consumer experience enables ROOF to be able to better qualify and refer leads to agents more effectively.

Watch ROOF Onboarding Video for more Information.

How it Works with Offrs

When an agent joins the ROOF Network via offrs.com, the outreach team begins nurturing Offrs leads and ROOF leads to identify homeowners or buyers looking for an agent today.

In order to qualify for the ROOF Network, an agent has to be a Premium Member of Offrs to ensure there is a minimum volume of leads for the ROOF Call Center and Marketing team to launch effective campaigns.

Exclusivity in your Zip

For a limited time, ROOF is offering offrs.com Premium Members exclusivity in one zip for the ROOF Service. This means all leads we refer in the exclusive zip will be referred to one agent.

Of course, any leads outside the exclusive zip in the same geography will also be referred to ROOF agents that service the area, so there is a benefit in being one of the first agents in your area to ensure you maximize your referral leads.

How ROOF chooses which Agent to Refer

If the lead is located in an exclusive zip it will be referred to the agent who has locked down the zip via ROOF. If the lead is not in an exclusive zip, the agent will be selected by the ROOF Team which will follow a round-robin system unless the consumer requests a specific agent.

How ROOF qualifies Leads

ROOF has a call center and marketing team that focuses on lead qualification leveraging phone, sms, email and targeted marketing.

Once a lead is generated, they are put into a 20-touch funnel where our team executes a series of communications starting with a phone call, follow-up txt and emails. The goal of this system is to get in contact with the lead, and ask qualifying questions.

Once the lead has answered our qualifying questions, we will ask if they are ready to connect with an agent. When they agree, we immediately connect them with an agent in the ROOF Network.

Our Consumer Concierge Service

Our value proposition to home owners and buyers is roof makes buying and selling a home easy. We help them find the best agent in their area via our ROOF Network to ensure they can achieve a successful transaction.

You can learn more about the ROOF Consumer experience by viewing roofre.com.


If you have any questions in relation to ROOF, please email the ROOF Team at info@roofre.com.

Last updated