Automated Email Outreach

One of the key features of our program is our automated email drip campaigns that go out to each lead. You can set it up to send 20+ emails out to each lead over time to ensure you stay top of mind.

Here is an example of an email template we provide that is automatically sent out once you launch your email campaigns.

We make it easy to customize the messaging and branding. The key is to drive leads back to a strong call-to-action so they can show interest in connecting with an agent.

The Power of Email Campaigns

One of the cool features in our product is Email Campaigns. You can setup one or more email campaigns to ensure each lead receives an email from you over time. The obvious first step is to make sure all leads receive at least one automatic email once we generate the lead (think of this as an auto reply). For example, if we generate a lead - they would receive an immediate email from you introducing yourself and pushing for them to make contact.

Of course, we know that in most cases it will take multiple emails before the lead potentially responds (we call this multiple touches). This is why we allow you to setup multiple campaigns and schedule each one to go out on different "days after" the lead was generated. So for example, they receive one email on Day 0 (first day) and then another email saying something different on Day 6, and another on Day 12, etc, etc.

Once all this is setup, it's automatic. You can setup different emails based on the type of lead (Seller Signal, FSBO, HVR, Expired, etc) as well. If you need help, we also provide a few templates you can import, so you don't need to start from scratch.

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