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Call & Email Scripts

Call & Email Scripts

Script 1 Hello__This is __ your neighborhood expert. Just wanted to let you know there are some cool events going on in the area this week.

Event A

Event B

Event C

Script 2 Hello __ This is ___ your local/neighborhood real estate expert. We have had some listings in your area and we want to find out more about the neighborhood. This information helps us build a description of the area for these homes and in turn can increase the value. So, what do you love about your neighborhood?

Script 3 Hello _____ This is ________ Your local/neighbor real estate expert. I’m calling everyone in the neighborhood today to ask if they have done a home evaluation. Have you ever done one?

If YES - Great have you had it confirmed? (Give reasons why it is important to have a local do confirm it, internet not accurate, need to have someone that works in the area tell them the value, etc. Free community service. Set appointment)

If NO - Great would you like to have us come and do one? (Explain what it is and why it is important. Free community service. Set appointment)

Script 4 “Hi my name is ___ with ABC Realty. I’ve been talking with some of your neighbors about current value of their homes and wanted to see if you were interested in getting a complimentary market report as well. When is the last time you had your home value reviewed?

Script 5 (if an HVR lead) Hi this is ___ with ___, I was notified that you visited one of my sites for a free home evaluation. I would be happy to do that for you but first I do need some details about your home. We can do it over the phone or I can stop by and do a proper walkthrough.

Script 6

Hi, this is _ your local real estate specialist but I’m also one of your neighbors in the community here! How are you this afternoon...? ( PAUSE / ENGAGE ) I don’t want to take too much of your time, but I did want to reach out and personally introduce myself. For those in the area who have real estate questions, I offer my expertise on our local housing market. I have some great resources at my disposal that would allow me to give you a very accurate valuation of your property. It would of course not cost you anything. I'm just looking to help and inform. Would you be interested?

IF YES - Great! Perhaps we can meet sometime and you can tell me more information about your house so I can give you the most accurate number.

IF NO - No worries. If you ever change your mind, I'd be happy to speak to you or any friends or family looking for help. I just want you to know I'm here for you.

CLOSING - It’s been great talking to you this *afternoon/evening*. Thank you for your time! Bye!

Script 7

Hi, this is __ with __ how are you doing today? Great! Listen, we are reaching out to homeowners in the __ area and wanted to let you know we are offering virtual real estate services. Would you be interested in getting a home evaluation from a real estate professional?

If YES - Great! I would be happy to chat virtually about the value of your home. What day works best for you?

If NO - Do you know of anyone in your neighborhood who may be curious about the current value of their home?

Script 8 (Facebook)

Hi, this is ___ with ___, I was notified that you filled out a form on Facebook looking for a home evaluation. I would be happy to do that for you but first I do need some details about your home. We can do it over the phone or I can stop by and do a proper walkthrough.

Hi Jim. John Smith with ABC Realty here. I saw you requested a valuation online through one of my ads and I just wanted to get a few additional details to make sure it's as accurate as possible. When I provide a valuation it's much more than just something generated by a website. Have you done any recent renovations? Have there been any major developments very near to your house?

Script 9 (pets) Hello __ This is ___ your local/neighborhood real estate expert. You've probably seen me walking my dog around our wonderful neighborhood (don't worry I ALWAYS pick up after her). I'm working to organize a neighborhood meet & greet at our community dog park as an opportunity to meet our neighbors. The frozen dog treats food truck 'Good Boy Ice Cream' will also be there which is great considering the hot weather we've had recently!


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