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Marketing Tips

Marketing Tips

There are 3 important things to do when it comes to marketing to people.

  1. Be consistent

  2. Diversify your marketing

  3. Have reasonable content

Let's go over each one to explain a bit further. Being consistent means putting together a plan as to what you want to do every 7 to 10 days. Touch 1 could be putting a postcard together and then sending it out, touch 2 sending emails, touch 3 calling a set amount of people each day, and touch 4 following up with top scores or getting caught up on previous work. So on and so on until the market is saturated with your brand. (Please note these are examples you could do 3 emails and a call, whatever best fits your style, available resources, and budget)

Doing different types of marketing will hit all your prospective sellers and lead and give you a better chance to capture someone's attention. Everyone has an address but not everyone will have an email or phone number. Also, some people may be more open to receiving an email as opposed to a phone call. Diversification also ups your chances by giving you a higher percentage of return, each marketing avenue gives you a small return, and when they are all done in tandem that percentage accumulates and becomes greater.

Last is what you are going to say. Most agents go with a standard "I'm an expert and I can tell you what your home is worth" or "Do you want to list your home? We have low inventory.". Those are great once but they're not something you want to repeat over and over again to the same clients in every real estate market. Sharing other information about real estate and the community would be a great option that has some longevity. An example would be calling and doing a survey about why homeowners love the area they live in. Explain this helps write better descriptions for listed houses and can help raise the values of homes in the area. Another would be talking about fire/hurricane/tornado/flood/blizzard safety, doing a 3 part series about how to prepare for a natural disaster, knowing the evacuation routes in the area, and what insurance to have just in case (maybe even partner with a local insurance agency on that).

We hope this helps and wish you a wonderful day!

Last updated